Dairy-Tech Group (DTG) provides nutrition and health consulting services to dairies and related industries in the dairy industry.  The owners are Buzz Burhans, PhD, and Chris Rossiter-Burhans, MS VMD.  DTG services dairies in the Northeast and in Idaho and also provides services to businesses allied to the dairy across the US.  Dr. Burhans' PhD is in ruminant nutritional physiology, and he has provided herd nutrition consulting for dairymen for nearly 30 years.  Dr. Rossiter-Burhans provided technical support to dairymen for over 15 years as Sr. Extension Veterinarian at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, and later provided technical support in the feed industry for almost 15 years.  Dr. Rossiter-Burhans is widely recognized for her research and development of Johne's Disease control programs in dairy herds.   Dr. Both Dr. Burhans and Dr. Rossiter-Burhans also have  training & experience in  epidemiology, and pursue a herd-based approach to optimizing herd health, performance, and profitability.  For dairies DTG provides both primary services as the herd nutritionist, and secondary services including "2nd opinions" and evaluation or technical troubleshooting of health, performance, and feed cost issues. DTG is completely independent and operates only on a fee-for-service basis.  DTG does not sell any products and has no financial stake in any products that might be recommended by DTG. 

Email: Dr. Burhans:  Dr.Buzz@dtg-dairynutrition.com     

            Dr. Rossiter-Burhans  crossiterb@gmail.com

Phone: Dr. Burhans  208-320-0829

             Dr. Rossiter-Burhans 208-969-0246